Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Quick Ways to Make Money Online

Although the global market has not yet reached “Jetson” caliber with people flying to the office in compact spaceships, it has evolved to allow workers to never have leave the comfort of their own computer. Below you’ll find a variety of ways to make money online as well as general advice for anyone who wants to succeed in the online world.

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Quick Ways to Make Money Online

  1. 1
    Flip domain names. Domain names are valuable internet real estate and some people actually make a nice living off of buying and selling them. One strategy is to use Google Adwords to find keywords that are trending and use that information to buy domain names that you think may soon be in demand. However, since short, snappy, or straightforward domain names have already been mostly snatched up, you can also get lucky buying domain names that are random acronyms, as you never know when a person or company with those exact initials will decide to set up a website. (CPC.com, for example, sold for over $200,000 when Contract Pharmaceutical Corporation decided to go online.[1] Not bad for three letters.) For more advice, read How to Buy a Cheap Domain Name.

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  2. 2
    Do online surveys. Online surveys won’t earn you much apiece, but they don’t eat up much time either and can add up when you need cash in a pinch. Read How to Make Money with Free Online Surveys for more advice.

  3. 3
    Transcribe audio. Websites are getting better and better about providing written transcripts for the hearing impaired, meaning that transcriber jobs pop up fairly regularly. Transcribing is generally low paying but is also easy, fast, and doesn’t require much commitment. Check eLance or oDesk for current transcription postings.

  4. 4
    Edit audio. If you have and know how to use sound-editing software, you can clean up webcasts and interviews before they go online. Again, look at a site like eLance or oDesk for opportunities.

  5. 5
    Enter contests. Since you won’t get paid unless your entry wins, search for a wide range of free contests in a field where you’re already have a lot of possible entries (ex. photos, logo-making, background design) and submit your work to as many places as will have you. It might take a day to get through all of them, but even a few small successes (or, preferably, a great big one) will make up for it. The experience might even steer you in a new creative direction.

Make Money through Online Marketing

  1. 1
    Become an affiliate marketer. This is a great way to make money for promoting someone else’s products or services without having to carry any inventory. Affiliate advertisements are usually incorporated into your website/blog/page via linked articles (great when your content is strong and compelling, but must be done carefully to avoid looking spammy), product-placement videos (great if you’re funny or have performance talent), or, less and less commonly, banner ads (pretty ineffective, as most people avoid these like the plague). If necessary, you can also become an affiliate marketer without a website (by posting videos on YouTube containing links to the product, for example). Check out a site like Commission Junction for possible products and services.

    • If you have a lot of traffic, you might want to do cost-per-click advertising, which doesn’t earn you much per click but banks on the fact that the sheer number of visitors will build your revenue.
    • If you have very strong content, you might want to do cost-per-acquisition advertising, which makes you a decent commission (either a fixed amount or a commission, depending on what you’ve pre-agreed to) every time someone on your site makes a purchase with your affiliate company.
  2. 2
    Become an online mystery shopper. Most people have heard of mystery shoppers in the real world, but with the shift to virtual business, it’s becoming more and more common to send mystery shoppers online-hunting. If you’re just starting out, be prepared to front the cost of your purchases, as your reimbursement will depend on whether or not you are a capable mystery shopper.

  3. 3
    Do webinar marketing. This is simply seminar marketing done online – except that it’s much cheaper than doing actual seminars and doesn’t require repeat performances. If you’re an authority on a subject that others would be willing to pay to learn more about, record yourself giving a talk about it in a professional location (traditionally a conference room, though this may change depending on your subject), post it on your website, and advertise.

  4. 4
    Refer other professionals for jobs. If you know somebody whose skill and work ethic you’re willing to stand behind, consider referring them to a prospective employer. If that person gets hired, you stand to make anywhere between fifty and a few thousand dollars depending on the position. Check out a site like ReferEarns or WhoDoYouKnowForDough for more information.

Make Money through Online Content

  1. 1
    Sell your music. A few years ago, Radiohead made headlines by selling its latest album via its own website and raking in the dough – for donations, no less. Though your act might not have Radiohead status (yet), many small, independent, and even big-name acts have followed suit: as it turns out, a handful of sales with no middleman adds up to a lot more than what most artists end up with once the record industry has gotten its “dues.”

  2. 2
    Become a freelance designer. Create a website showcasing your portfolio and build a client list by finding work in the online classifieds. Though it takes more time to get established doing business this way, you can set your own prices and won’t have to share your profits with the graphic design house.

  3. 3
    Sell stock photos. This is a good way to make money while pursuing a fun hobby. Since people search for stock photos by keyword, your work will be on the same playing field as everyone else’s, meaning you should submit any photo you think is decent. Once it has posted, your work is done, and while you won’t generally make much per sale, having a good number of photos can mean accumulating a nice monthly side income with virtually no upkeep. iStockphoto, ShutterStock, and Fotolia are a few good places to shop around.

  4. 4
    Sell an ebook. eBooks are not for everyone, but if you’ve ever found an innovative solution to a desperate situation and wished you could have simply paid someone to give you the answer sooner, it’s likely there’s a market out there for an ebook on the subject. Shop around to see what else is available and look for people posting in forums with similar issues. Don’t waste your time writing an ebook about something someone can readily find answers to; it’s something you want to reserve for people who are at their wit’s end.

  5. 5
    Sell an app. In a multi-million-person marketplace, $1 or 2 per sale can go a long way. If you have a great concept but no programming knowhow, it might even be worth it to hire a programmer. Just make sure you shop around for similar ideas, find ways to one-up your competition, and comply with the rules of the company on whose devices you’d sell the apps.

  6. 6
    Sell articles. Lots of small businesses, websites, and marketers need good written content and smooth keyword integration to help them get more traffic. Though you won’t make much to start with, most articles will only be 200 to 300 words, which are a snap to crank out. As you prove yourself to be capable, you can start charging more for your services. If you’re a skilled writer, you might even try submitting your work to formal publications.

Make Money through Online Sales

  1. 1
    Create an online store. Selling online is especially useful if you have a niche item that can’t attract enough business to survive in a physical location, but of course online stores for everyday items aren’t going anywhere, either. If you aren’t particularly web-savvy or can be bothered to maintain a website, you can set up shop on a site like eBay or CafePress (for a fee). Otherwise, you can hire someone to design a website for you or even make your own.

  2. 2
    Create a virtual store. Believe it or not, vendors selling virtual items from within online games can make money in the real world. By creating an avatar of yourself and setting up shop, you can do business with other players (or even just advertise your real-world business). Of course, you must first find a game that allows it and pay to set it up, but once you’re in, you can reach a huge range of people in various age groups and locations around the world. MMORPGs (massive, multiplayer online role-playing games) are especially good places to do this.

Pointers when Working Online

  1. 1
    Make a good first impression no matter which type of online endeavor you attempt. As with any business, your brand (web site, store, virtual portfolio etc.) must grab the prospects attention, enticing and encouraging him/her to learn more. A strong brand should include intelligently and insightfully written copy, a description of your offering, product overview, news and information and numerous opportunities to respond (call to action).

    • Differentiate your product/service from the competition. Consider what makes your business unique by focusing on the brand, the specific suite of services and how the product or service will solve the customer’s problem. Punctuate these differentiating factors in order to set your brand apart from the rest.
    • Maintain a friendly, approachable tone. You want to invite your customer to interact with you so be sure that while the copy on your site or portfolio should be informative, it should also communicate a friendly tone that will motivate communication and interaction with your customers.
    • Have a solid contract with your partner company. Enlist the assistance of an attorney or have a lawyer review your partner company’s contract so you know how you will be paid and the basis for payment (for example if it based on produced work, solid sales, sign ups, conversions, referrals, etc.).
    • Follow up with clients after an initial interaction. Because you haven’t had the benefit of face-to-face meeting, you will need to be proactive (but not a stalker) online. After an initial meeting with a client, send a thank you email a few days later to remind the client about your meeting. Open the floor to additional questions and let your prospective client know you are excited about the possibility of serving him/her.
  2. 2
    Optimize your skills and knowledge in order to create a strong online presence. Although you may be a talented salesperson or graphic designer, you may not know how those talents will translate online.

    • Take an search engine optimization course. Either online or possibly offered at your local community college, learning about search engine optimization (SEO) is an important component to a successful online career. SEO training will teach you how to position your brand or store higher on Google search engine rankings so your business is hit first when potential clients are performing a search.
    • Write a business plan. Even if the business plan will never leave your computer, creating a plan will give you specific direction and goals, which will help you stay on track and focused.
    • Consult with experts. If you have a friend or colleague who has had success making money online, tap into his/her knowledge and experience. Find out what has worked well or what he/she has tried that bombed. Extract as much knowledge and insight to help guide you in how you will create your online business.
  3. 3
    Make sure you have the dedication and focus to work independently. If you plan to make your online money making endeavor a success, you must have what it takes to manage your time and be dedicated to your craft.

    • Examine your financial needs. Do you need to make a large income or are you interested in making money online just to have some mad money? The level of required income will most likely dictate the amount of time and effort you’ll need to spend making your online business a success.
    • Evaluate the amount of time you can dedicate to your online business. Are you a stay-at-home mom with two small children and a demanding school and housekeeping schedule or are you single with no strings attached (or somewhere in between)? Identify the hours during the day you can commit to your business and compare those hours to the amount of money you need to make. Typically, especially with some businesses, the earlier months and years are considerably more time consuming, especially if you are building a client list.
    • Be honest about your work habits. Are you a self starter, motivated enough to stay on task and work without having a boss check on you, or are you easily distracted by the phone, kids or other environmental disturbances? Working online takes a tremendous amount of motivation and focus in order to reach your cash generating goals.

Good Ways To Make Money Online

Good Ways To Make Money Online 

After taking my Speech Power class, I dashed to my desktop and read my emails. Suddenly, an email subscriber caught me online and instant messaged me on gTalk. He needed help he said, we conversed for bout 10 minutes.
I won’t paste his exact words here but he surely needs to make a quick buck right away. The guy has no experience online whatsoever, just a stinky ol’ job with a minimum salary.
Although I don’t really promote the “Make money now” model because internet marketing should be treated as a business and most of these techniques require a whole lotta work – there are just times where we need to start making money now.
So for bout an hour, I hunted for ways to make money online now, researched them thoroughly and collected useful links to support it.
Without further ado, here they are:

Data entry

Have an I.Q. of 60 and above? (Who doesn’t?!) Data entry is simply transcribing a different form of data into another form. For example, scanned pages of a book and handwritten letters into a Microsoft Word format.
In advanced jobs, it can be the transcribing of a different program. Be careful though, with just one mistake even a single space can cause a whole lotta errors in the program. So if you want to take the job, you have to be a patient typist and as accurate as an eagle.

Paid to click

I bet even a caveman can do this. You view a website for a certain amount of time and after that time expires, you are credited for bout $0.01-0.05 which is actually peanuts. But hey, do it for around an hour a day and you’ll get a bunch of peanuts!
And did I tell you that some paid to click sites offer second tier commissions? If you refer a friend you will be given a certain amount depending on their activity. Imagine referring 10 friends, 100 or even 1000?! That would give you a truck load of peanuts!
There are literally thousands of get paid to click sites, but the best probably is Clixsense. They’ve paid a whole lotta members ranging from two figures to even four figures! (Check their forum for success stories)

Graphic design

Do you know how to pull in heavy graphics out of thin air? Or do you have a clean and simple minimalist mind that a few are looking for?
If you eat and breathe design, why not get hired for an hour or two and do designs for people. There are loads of webmasters looking for graphic designers who pay bout $50-$100 for just a simple logo.
Most graphic designers use Adobe Photoshop – that is very costly, get Gimp. It’s free.


On the other hand, if you’re not a right brain kind of guy. Try coding.
You convert image designs of a website into a real live website. If you get the hang of it, you can make a high quality coded webpage for bout 30 minutes only. If you don’t know how to code HTML/CSS, go toHTMLdog to learn it step by step.
For a more sophisticated job. PHP, Perl, Cgi and many other programming jobs are also available on the said forums.


Probably one of the easiest way to make money online now – writing.
The biggest online company Google, what are they doing? Directing people to content right? And one kind of content aside from videos and images are written articles.
Internet marketers need content to feed Google and their visitors. Some people are just not into writing – well most webmasters are not into it really (I’m glad I am not one of them) so what they do is hire writers for $3-$5 for every 300 word article.
Don’t know the topic they are requesting? No problem! Use our friendly household tool – Google.

Buy and sell

On the early days of my online venture, I used to buy private label products (Articles, ebooks, etc.) at a very low price say $5 per package and repackage them for every specific niche. Then create a name for it, new graphics and it’s out on the market.
You can also buy and sell websites. Buy a cheap one, develop it a lil’ bit and then sell it on the same day.

Paid surveys

Tons of people are saying that it’s a big scam because it’s uber easy and has a big payout – but hey, they’ve been around for a very looong time. Why? Some do really pay.
So, are you up for sharing your personal information OR maybe sharing your fictional information? ;-)
If you want to fill out surveys, sign up for Cash Crate as they have maintained a good reputation overtime – and they have an easy smooth interface, beat that?

SEO services

One major aspect of SEO or search engine optimization is off page optimization. This can be achieved by buidling quality backlinks to a site.
Link building is not that hard when you have the formula but it does require tons of human power. One of the ways to build backlinks is by social bookmarking a site to Digg, Reddit, etc. Another is by submitting it to web directories, leaving blog comments and many other.
This is a big hit right now as loads of webmasters are looking for this service.

Video marketing

This way is out of the blue – offer video marketing services.
If you hang out on Youtube (Who doesnt?!) or other video sites, you may have watched of the phenomenal Will it blend series or maybe Kobe’s fake jump – what do they have in common? They both advertised a product!
Well you don’t have to have a blender to get millions of views, just by rappingcrying or even laughingyou can too ;-)
On a serious note, power point slides and video tutorials work well too. Here’s a great example.


Most internet marketers sell variations of their product like say video presentation, audio presentation and text presentation to add more value and most importantly to raise the price.
However, doing so takes a whole lotta time. Imagine transcribing a one hour audio interview into a text presentation.
That’s where you come in. You can offer transcribing services on webmaster forums and charge a per minute rate. All it takes is a good ear and quick hands.

Forum posting

One of the hardest part of running a forum is at the start – your forum is dead quiet. No one is talking and no one want to start talking.
Webmasters’ solution to that is paid forum posting. This will be easy for teens especially if the forums’ topic are games, life and sports. It will be like chatting to your buddy – and being paid! What’s better than that?

Sell pictures

Got a digital camera sitting at home? If you have the artists perspective then why not try selling pictures for stock photos.
Snap pictures of your dog, room or whatever you have in your house then sell them on stock photography sites like iStockPhoto and StockExpert. Just don’t forgot to keep your privacy ;-)

Sell emails

It has been said tons of times and proved by loads of marketers – the money is in the list, and it’s good that even startup companies are paying people to visit their website via AdWords just to capture leads.
Try to do a quick search for “Web Design Las Vegas” in Google (This might not work on some countries because ads are geographically targeted, so I would suggest using a US based proxy). Did you know that the top 1-3 ads under the “Sponsored Links” are paying around $6 per click?!
So what if you make it easier for them? You capture the leads then sell it to them at a much affordable price?
Get an autoresponder, buy a private label product then give it away to related forums as an incentive to sign up to your list.
Do remember though that in your email capture form, tell them that by joining in your list, they will also be subscribed to other newsletters related to the product they are interested in.

Sell stuff!

Get up and check out your garage. If you see something worth looking at for a minute or two (Probably your dad’s old shoes, jacket or an old photo album) find a unique side that will set as a hook (Let’s say vintage shoes from the 60′s) then sell them on eBay, post an ad on Craigslist and Caching!


Have the guts to do some salestalk to unknown prospects? If you do, then offer brokering services. Broker domain names, websites and even partnership deals. It’s up to you on how you ask for payment – percentage or flat rate.
Best of all, no professional diplomas required, just a reputable grammar, a convincing salestalk and you’re good to go!

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Friday, October 26, 2012

Get more web traffic to your blog, website with no effort

I want to share to you the new way to get more traffic with no effort.

Step by step

1. Create a blogspot.
2. Get content auto from RSS feed of other sites.
Note that : you should choose the good site with good content.
- Choose RSS url
- Use Free post RSS content to Blogger to post content from RSS URL to your blogpot (your blog must active post by email feature)

Good luck!
Let me know if you have any isue.